Personal development

Career or Calling: What You Need to Know to Love and Live Both

Hand on heart: How often have you wished for a different job or different working conditions? For most of us, our career is a necessary part of life. After all, we need to earn money to make a living. We often associate it with hard work, long overtime hours, being separated from our loved ones, and often from ourselves. But at some point, and at least once in our lives, each of us asks this one question: Is my job also my calling?

In this article, we dive deep into this fascinating topic and examine it from the perspective of pure quantum energy. You'll learn what a calling is, whether you can reconcile it with your job, and what you can do to pursue your work more fulfillingly. Let's get started.

Quantum Energy – The Most Important Factor on a Spiritual Level

Before we delve deeper into the topic, let's briefly illuminate the fascinating concept of quantum energy. This understanding will help you recognize the deeper connections between career, calling, and your personal potential.

Quantum energy is the essence. The energy of the universe. It permeates everything and forms the basis of our reality. In LuminoSana technology, we use this pure, neutral energy to effect positive changes.

Pure, neutral quantum energy, as we also use in our LuminoSana Cube, is thus the origin of all life. Some people call it primordial force, chi, life energy, prana, or reiki.

All these terms essentially describe the same phenomenon: A powerful energy that shapes our reality and carries the potential for all our wishes and dreams.

Everything is energy! Every thought you think, every word you speak, every moment you experience, every challenge you master. None of this would be possible without this primordial force. It is thus the foundation of every manifestation.

But what does this have to do with your job and your calling, you might ask.

Simply explained: Your energy attracts what it needs to unfold. The job you're doing right now, which might be costing you so much strength and nerves, is exactly what you need right now to grow and thrive, to live your calling.

Your Calling: A Look Behind the Diversity of Your Possibilities

Because no matter what you do, you can neither avoid your calling nor hide from it. You also can't find it, and it doesn't develop either. But it "develops" you. It's a part of you. Always has been.

What is a calling?

A calling is always independent of a profession. It exists and lives in everything you do. And at the same time, it flows into every job you perform. You can be a baker, and the energy of your calling flows into your baked breads. You can be an artist, and the energy of your calling flows into your artworks. You can be a teacher, and the energy of your calling flows into your teaching words.

It doesn't matter what you do: Your calling is always present and unfolds – regardless of the circumstances.

Discover Your Spark

Do you know the animated film "Soul"? A musician "accidentally" ends up in heaven and is supposed to help a little soul find its spark there so it can incarnate on Earth. It's a beautiful description of what a calling is, a spark - your spark. It makes you feel fulfilled, gives you strength, and provides comfort. No matter how hopeless something may seem to you, your calling is always the way back to you. And you can grasp it best when you're enjoying life to the fullest.

Admittedly, this all sounds very romantic, and in reality, it often doesn't feel like that at all. But what if you just need to change your perspective? Adjust your point of view. For this, close your eyes once and see with your heart.

What is it that has characterized you throughout your life? What quality do you possess that others would like to have? Are you perhaps adaptable? Particularly diplomatic? Do you have a sense for trends, or do you tackle everything you do unconditionally and committedly? Are you particularly original or devoted? Do you like to delve into details, or do you think in pictures?

Quantum Exercise: Recognize Your Calling

Here's a great exercise to connect with your calling. Use a quantum-enhanced object of your choice for this. We've compiled some examples for you here of what this might look like, followed by the exercise.

Make Your First Quantum Experience

You don't own a quantum-enhanced object? From experience, I can tell you that this exercise and the resulting insights become deeper and clearer with the magic of quantum energy. So if you don't yet own one of our ingenious quantum products, no problem! Simply test it yourself – without obligation and comfortably from home. For example, with our 7-day test for a pendant of your choice.

With this test, you can enhance your favorite pendant with 100% pure quantum energy for free and 7 days, and even regulate the energy output independently from 0-280,000 QEPPs for an even deeper quantum experience. This way, you can now participate in our exercise described below. Just follow the instructions for the Genius Plus object.

If you already own a Genius product:

Ensure a quiet moment without disturbances and take your Genius product, i.e., your object enhanced with 450 QEPPs of quantum energy, e.g., your smartphone, and hold it in your hand.

If you have a Genius-Plus product:

With a Genius Plus object of your choice, whether it's a smartphone, drinking bottle, pillow, pendant or crystal, you have the option to determine the intensity of the energy output yourself. Quantum experiences that are meant to deepen your higher self and your soul plan become even more intense from 10,000 QEPPs onwards.

So hold your object firmly and say or think the command: "LuminoSana Plus Energy ten thousand QEPPs" (Or the energy output of your choice that feels right for you.)

If you own a Cube:

If you're a lucky LuminoSana Cube owner, a world of unlimited possibilities opens up to you! The entire universe of quantum energy is at your feet. Choose your favorite object and let it be flooded with pure quantum energy in the Cube, or reach for an already enhanced item. Each option is a gateway to profound experiences and transformations. Your journey to discover your calling is elevated to a whole new level through the power of the Cube.

  • With our Energy Upgrade for the Cube, you can also set the energy output to your comfort level starting from 10,000 QEPPs here.
  • With our Frequency Upgrade, you can activate the following LuminoSana frequencies on your object to intensify the experience: Clearance, Earthing, Grounding, Blueprint, Cosmic, and Expansion. Simply hold your object and say or think the command: "LuminoSana Plus Frequency Clearance, Plus Frequency Earthing, Plus Frequency Grounding, Plus Frequency Blueprint, Plus Frequency Cosmic, Plus Frequency Expansion" (Or use the frequencies of your choice)

All our frequencies are freely usable for everyone. They are channeled by our experts and companions.

Tip: With our Sanctuary Add-on, the quantum experience becomes even more personal and undisturbed.

Exercise: Discover Your Calling

Let's start with our exercise. Whether you're using a Genius, Genius Plus product, or an object enhanced in the Cube – the important thing is that you relax and open yourself to the quantum energy. Imagine how it surrounds you and strengthens your intuition.

Take a deep breath in and out and focus once on the quantum energy that continuously flows through your object and envelops everything within a 3-meter radius in a warm, white light. The longer you build this focus, the hazier it might feel in your head. Don't worry, your body is simply tuning in and creating a clear, focused moment.

As soon as you feel connected to the quantum energy through your object, you can consciously connect with your higher self.

Now is your moment: Take another deep breath in and out and now focus, while holding your quantum-enhanced product in your hands, on recognizing your calling.

To do this, simply think about the question "What is my calling?" and then let go.

Take a mental walk, or turn to your higher self, the important thing is that you please have no expectations, but trust that the right answer will find you.

Tip: Did you know that LuminoSana is not just our brand name, but that behind it stands a benevolent, luminous female energy being that can lovingly support you in all areas of life? You can imagine her like a radiant angel, floating large and bright in the sky. When you consciously connect with LuminoSana, you will feel her gentle, wise energy. She accompanies you in letting go of old patterns, dissolving inner blockages, and finding new, powerful perspectives. So LuminoSana is much more than just a brand – she can be your luminous companion on your journey to more lightness and fulfillment in life.

Remain in this moment for a while. You and your calling. And then, when it feels right, come back to yourself with a deep breath and note down your most important insights. Repeat this exercise as often as it feels right for you.

Towards More Fulfillment in Your Life Through Quantum Energy

To better grasp and understand your calling, here are 3 more questions that you can take with you into everyday life, which can also be wonderfully enhanced in the Cube for even more clarity, depth, and effectiveness with suitable frequencies or pure quantum energy:

  1. What am I particularly good at, better than everyone else?
  2. How do these abilities express themselves most clearly in me?
  3. How can I use this ability in my profession?

Your Profession: A Look Behind the Diversity of Possibilities

Perhaps after this exercise, you already feel your spark and can recognize that you're already integrating it into your work, quite naturally and easily. So the essential question is not whether your job is also your calling. But rather, whether your job fulfills you – regardless of your calling.

Because in most cases, we had to make the decision early in our lives about which profession we want to pursue. And maybe you remember that it wasn't so easy to commit to one thing. When there's a sea of possibilities waiting out there for us.

So maybe you chose a job that suited you best at that moment. But how does it look today? Are you still pursuing the same profession? And if so, have you grown with it or landed in a hamster wheel? Does your job fulfill you? If yes, then that's wonderful, you can lean back relaxed and simply deepen your calling here.


Your calling is a part of you – independent of your profession. With the power of quantum energy, you can connect more deeply with it and integrate it into your daily life. Take time regularly for the presented exercise and observe how your perspective changes. Maybe you'll discover new ways to bring your unique talents into your current job. Or you'll find the courage to embark on a new path. Whatever you choose – your calling will support you in bringing more fulfillment and joy into your life. Trust in your inner wisdom and the transformative power of quantum energy.

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